Roses are delicious treats with an incomparable smell for rabbits and rodents such as degus or chinchillas who particularly love them. These flowers have a high vitamin C content, which is interesting for our friends the guinea pigs. Super for tonicity and very rich in fiber for a flower, the digestive system of rabbits and herbivorous rodents appreciates! Rose flowers are often given to support the heart and circulation in small animals. Additionally, rose petals are said to have a calming effect. The fragrant flowers are rich in: - Essential oils - Saponins - Tannins - Tannic acid - Geraniol Composed of small flowers and petals. Rose petals can have the following effects: - Good blood circulation - Increase resistance We can eat them: Rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas, hamsters, gerbils, degus, mice, rats , turtles,... Dried rose petals provide essential minerals and add an attractive smell and coloring that are appreciated by your land turtles. Composition: 100% rose flowers Composition: 100% rose petals Average values: Crude fibre: 20.20% Crude protein: 16.10% Sold in bulk by weight in small transparent treat bags.

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