You can give lemon balm leaves to your rabbit or guinea pig by sprinkling it directly on their hay or hand-feed them as a treat. For who ? rabbits and guinea pigs When and how to give them? It should be borne in mind that the main diet of these animals is hay. So it should be given occasionally and in small quantities as a treat! The 100g sachet will therefore last you several weeks/months depending on the number of animals you have :) The lemon balm leaves are dried with care to keep all its properties and packaged by hand by the goussatié boutique. This product is only dried and has not undergone any other processing. Raw material for animal feed Sold in bulk by weight in small kraft bags, heat-sealed, packaged in France by the Goussatié boutique

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Cut: *
  • 100 grs
  • 250 grs
  • 500 grs
  • 1 kg